Friday, January 4, 2008

My first week of 2008

Today is Friday, but let me re-cap Thursday first: My day began with 40 minutes of interval cardio combined with some plyo's off the treadmill. This included pop squats, jump lunges, and hi kicks. I also did some retro jogging (backwards) for 3 - 2 minutes intervals. I consumed about 5 meals today, but should have been 7 meals. :( And...I did NOT get in my second workout. NOT GOOD.

My first meeting Thursday was with a new client, who will begin training with me Tuesday next week. I will train him in his home, 3 days a week, he lives just seconds away from me. I then trained 3 clients at Macrotherapy, and returned home to work on my new website design. Then an exciting development happened late in the evening, which involves securing plans to obtain my routine choreography from Jen Hendershott and her assistant Lishia Dean. I'm very excited about this, since Jen is going to be in Phoenix on Jan. 11-13 for her Phat Camp, and I'll get to work with her for about one hour during her stay.

Friday, I wake at 4:00 a.m. YUK...but could not sleep. so up and on the computer by 5:00, continue discussion with Jen and Lishia. All is a go...we are set to go forward with choreography via DVD and I meet with Jen on Friday January 11th!

Cardio around 7:00, and am ready to leave for work by 9:00. Cardio is 35 minute brisk walk on treadmill at an incline between 2%-8%. I train 2 clients, then do my 2nd workout - shoulders for 9 sets, plus upper body strength moves (phlanch, straddle down handstand, etc). Home by 2 and am just now concluding my work on the computer at 7:45 p.m. I have to get in at least one more meal. My new site design continues to come together.

More later.......

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