Sunday, February 10, 2008

Are you ignoring your toes?????

This might seem like a strange subject, but actually it's quite important. The toes are part of a major support system to our body .. we'd have a real hard time walking even with one single toe impairment. The toes have a huge responsibility to carry a BIG LOAD! TLC is required.
This is just a brief nudge to all of you reading, to exercise and stretch those toes. Bring them into your scope of training. Try just sitting back on your feet while kneeling on the floor, and allow the toes to stay under you. I imagine most of you might say OUCH that's painful. Exactly right, because there are muscles in your toes too, that need some attention. I have worked on this personally for the last couple of years, and definitely feel good results. They need to be stretched in BOTH directions, in other words ... rolling them under from the top as well.

P.S.If you are a practicing ballerina, never are light years ahead of me on exercising the toes :)

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