Tuesday, October 28, 2008
One long gap...
It's been a LONG time since my last post. I had a lot happening since April, and was not sure my entries here were being read. Nonetheless, I am returning to say hello, as I prepare to share more with you on topics I find interesting and helpful. Stay tuned, ... I'll be back in here shortly.
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Glamorous? Not always.
Fun? Absolutely ... but you must create it.
Easy? Not hardly.
These are just a few possible misperceptions about being in a photo shoot. I can certainly remember all the excitement I felt way back in 2002-03 when my first photo opportunities started happening. Since that time, I've learned a whole lot. I'll include some samples of these shoots of "way back when" just for fun. I've met some incredible talent in this industry, and am so very thankful for the countless opportunities I've been a part of.
1. My first recommendation to those just starting out, know your photographer and his/her work. Ask for references, and ask to see samples of their imaging. If they don't have some sort of website or profile on a Modeling Network site, beware. Ask to read a copy of the contract ahead of time (should be easy to get it on email). If you look at the sample of this photographers work, and you aren't impressed, then don't schedule time with them. There are so many others to choose from.
2. Get involved in a Modeling Network - no matter how new you are, this is a valuable tool by which to learn. Study what's going on in the industry. It also allows you to expand your horizons beyond just fitness/bodybuilding. Spend time looking at other models profiles that you admire. Study how they present themselves. Also study the photographers, this is how I've found some of the most amazing talent. Some sample networks I recommend are www.modelmayhem.com or www.onemodelplace.com - both are long standing reputable sites. It took a long time for me to finally learn that aggressive networking within these sites will build a name for yourself. Just because you have a profile there, does not guarantee you will be noticed.
3. Ask questions of the photographer, like what his/her vision is of shooting with you? What will the "plan" be (make sure there is one). Ask if you will get a full cd of all the images, or whether the photographer intends on keeping them all for his/her use. This happened to me because I did not do my homework. I was paid for my time, however, the photographer asked me to reduce my fee significantly and said that his wife was a makeup artist and she would do my makeup. Ended up I did my own makeup, and he kept all the images. He said I could "buy" any image for a fee of $50 each. I went into total shock and anger. But this was a hard lesson learned, because I assumed I would get images. Had I carefully read the contract I signed, I would have been aware.
4. I would ask to contact other models who have shot with said photographer. Find out what type of experience they had, and what type of turn around time for getting copies of images? I've had some extremely frustrating times getting copies of images that I am due.
5. Ask the photographer if he/she is going to offer any "refined" images, and if so, how many? This might be important, because if any of the pictures need "touching up", these photographers can do amazing things which result in some impressive photographs. A well seasoned photographer should offer at least 6 refined images as part of the arrangement.
6. If you are providing the apparrel, then be sure to organize it neatly. If you take accessories, be cautious. I used to pack gazillions of accessories to coordinate with the outfits. Many years later, I realize that accessories can actually be a big mistake. They potentially stand in the way of how the photographer can showcase YOU. So unless this is a fashion shoot, with a high focus on jewelry, try to keep it simple. Pack a lightweight robe, you'll be so glad you did. It helps with those wardrobe changes. Wear non marking BIG COMFORTABLE clothing to the shoot ... a photographer hates to see lines in the skin from a bra strap or something. EEEEK.
7. MOOD and FOOD, both very important. So take a GOOD MOOD and some GOOD FOOD. Pack a couple of small snacks! There's nothing worse than working long hours and having no food on hand. Headaches can set in, which is a sure MOOD killer. And speaking of MOOD, this is not something to take lightly. A good mood will bring you great results, so take steps to be prepare for this. Eating right and sleeping right before a shoot are essential, and will serve you well.
All in all, these are great opportunities to capture a moment in time. Make the mark of your accomplishments. Love yourself, and it will showcase well in your images. I hope this might be an interesting read for many, and if it helps even one person to feel better prepared for a shoot, I'm smiling.
Top Ten Food List
I recently ran across a most interesting TOP TEN FOOD LIST that I'll share here. I'm trying to incorporate many of these foods into my regimen. If any of you wonder what the heck Purslane is, or a Goji Berry, I'm providing links to help educate. I admit, I did NOT know either one of these items, but have become fascinated with their value.
1. PURSLANE - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claytonia_perfoliata
2. BEETS (preferably juiced raw...this is most nutritious).
3. CABBAGE (I love it cooked or raw).
4. GUAVA NECTAR (have not found this product yet).
5. SWISS CHARD (OR RAINBOW CHARD) I've tried a couple of interesting recipes.
6. CINNAMON (1/4 TSP. A DAY) I do this on my oatmeal.
7. POMEGRANATE JUICE (PURE) (kind of expensive, but worth it).
8. GOJI BERRIES OR EXTRACT - I love this stuff, here is a link for the one I am currently using: http://www.vitacost.com/Dynamic-Health-Goji-Gold
9. PRUNES (love 'em)!
10.PUMPKIN (I've just ordered some seeds to snack on).
1. PURSLANE - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claytonia_perfoliata
2. BEETS (preferably juiced raw...this is most nutritious).
3. CABBAGE (I love it cooked or raw).
4. GUAVA NECTAR (have not found this product yet).
5. SWISS CHARD (OR RAINBOW CHARD) I've tried a couple of interesting recipes.
6. CINNAMON (1/4 TSP. A DAY) I do this on my oatmeal.
7. POMEGRANATE JUICE (PURE) (kind of expensive, but worth it).
8. GOJI BERRIES OR EXTRACT - I love this stuff, here is a link for the one I am currently using: http://www.vitacost.com/Dynamic-Health-Goji-Gold
9. PRUNES (love 'em)!
10.PUMPKIN (I've just ordered some seeds to snack on).
Thursday, February 14, 2008
A taste of HerBicepscam.com

I've been making a few appearances on HerBicpsCam website this month www.herbicepscam.com . A whole new experience for me, as I am learning what trips the viewers trigger. A fun place to meet a lot of female muscle fans, and carry on some good chatter. My style of entertainment is first class, sexy, and ultra friendly. Any tips or feedback from readers in the blog would be great, especially if you are a current or potential viewer of Her Biceps. I'd love to hear some candid comments about some of the 'taste buds' out there. What types of video clips are you hoping to see? If you have an idea which you have not seen done before, let me know. I'm anxious to learn all I can!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Are you ignoring your toes?????

This might seem like a strange subject, but actually it's quite important. The toes are part of a major support system to our body .. we'd have a real hard time walking even with one single toe impairment. The toes have a huge responsibility to carry a BIG LOAD! TLC is required.
This is just a brief nudge to all of you reading, to exercise and stretch those toes. Bring them into your scope of training. Try just sitting back on your feet while kneeling on the floor, and allow the toes to stay under you. I imagine most of you might say OUCH that's painful. Exactly right, because there are muscles in your toes too, that need some attention. I have worked on this personally for the last couple of years, and definitely feel good results. They need to be stretched in BOTH directions, in other words ... rolling them under from the top as well.
P.S.If you are a practicing ballerina, never mind...you are light years ahead of me on exercising the toes :)
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Number 49 has arrived!!!!!
OK, so February 7th marked my 49th birthday. Mixed reviews about this one... as I count down the days to the half century mark! Yikes, that sounds scary, but I am feeling pretty good these days. This #49 screams out to me that it's time to send the Forty-tude message to the masses. Forty-tude is all about attitude, as my Blog intro mentions. And it's all about FORTITUDE, that amazing word that screams accomplishment. So this is how I try to live my life, with Fortitude and Attitude as a mature sexy woman in her late forties. I am in the process of re-building my website, and this has become a true project on a grand scale. I am a detailed person, and want to put my very best foot forward in how my site represents who I am.
This past week, I took total rest. No working out, I had 4 deep tissue massages, and I did a significant liver cleanse, all in symbolic respect of this very special birthday. I hope I can continue to inspire many of you approaching, in, or past your forties. Stay in tune with who you are, and respect your body in every way!
Monday, January 21, 2008
How I kicked a COLD in the butt in less than 2 days.....
OK, so I assume we've all caught a cold virus or 2 in our lives. This past Friday I woke up with that "oh my gosh, it can't be a cold" ... nose running, eyes burning, a little scratch in the throat. OH GREAT! I immediately decided to cancel my morning clients, and began to take action. I took 2 doses of Echinacea right away. I also swished Olive Oil in my mouth for 3 minutes to draw some toxins up into my saliva...then discard. I sqeezed a large fresh grapefruit into juice. I ate some warm Brown Rice Cereal. I dosed up on Vitamin C substantially ... probably about 6,000 mg. or more throughout the day. About midday I went to Walgreens and got Cold-eez, a product I truly believe makes a huge difference in our ability to fight the virus. I made sure I took in some soup, and at least one cup of kombucha green tea. I layed in the sun for about an hour, to help my body produce Vitamin D (fortunately it was a decent enough day for me to get in the sun...I would recommend a tanning bed as an alternative). I kept a hat on my head the entire day in my house...silly as this may seem, I truly believe this helped my body retain a warmer environment - remember....we lose about 50% of our body heat through the top of our head. I continued to dose on Echinacea and Cold-eez. I went to bed very early! I had scheduled 3 clients to train Saturday morning for bootcamp OUTSIDE. I woke feeling far different, more head stuffy, but no sore throat. Some sneezing, but not too bad. I repeated my morning with Olive Oil first, then Grapefruit juice, and hot Brown Rice Cereal. Again, I kept a hat or wide headband on my head all day. Bootcamp went fine, and I got a little more stuffy in the afternoon. I again made sure I had some soup, took Cold-eez about 4 times, Echinacea about 3 times and stayed home. By evening, the symptoms had faded considerably. Sunday morning arrives, and I felt absolutely amazing! I could not believe I woke up feeling so great. In summary ... take heed to your body, when it is calling out for help, STOP and listen to it. It will serve you right and put you back at 100% in amazing time!
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